Author Archives

I am a passionate software developer.
I have nine years of experience in IT industry, working on large-scale enterprise applications involving complex business functions, web integration, and data management in various domains like Insurance, Manufacturing and Publishing.

Currently I am working as a .NET Developer in EBSCO Industries, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Cloud-Native Application Security

    Cloud-native application security is a cloud-first approach used to deploy applications securely at scale by embedding security into the software development lifecycle to detect vulnerabilities earlier. This article will walk through the critical challenges of cloud-native application security, demonstrate how to build security into the CI/CD pipeline, and introduce the core practices of cloud-native security.

  • Infrastructure as Code for Cloud-Native Applications

    Enterprises are embracing cloud-native technologies to migrate their monolithic services to a microservices architecture. Containers, microservices, container orchestration, automated deployments, and real-time monitoring enable you to take advantage of cloud-native capabilities. However, the infrastructure required to run cloud-native apps differs from traditional ones.

  • Monitoring Kubernetes in Production

    Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating the deployment and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes provides capabilities like service discovery, horizontal autoscaling, and load balancing, while ensuring that application configurations are declarative and that systems are self-healing.

  • Securing Cloud-Native Applications

    Organizations are rapidly embracing cloud-native design patterns to modernize their business operations and enable faster time to market. Cloud-native architecture combines technologies like microservices, containers, automated CI/CD pipelines, container orchestration, unified observability, and cloud infrastructure.

  • Top 5 Elasticsearch Metrics to Monitor

    In this article, I will explain some of the most critical Elasticsearch metrics to monitor and discuss measures to optimize performance from both search and indexing perspective.

  • Top 5 Challenges in DevOps Adoption

    Implementing DevOps

    In this article, I will explain how DevOps can help you gain a competitive edge. I’ll also dive deep into the top challenges of DevOps adoption.

  • KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2020 – Day 1 Highlights

    The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference – ‘KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA’ kicked off today with more than 22000 attendees. I was very impressed with the virtual event platform, which allows you to attend sessions, network with other attendees, and network with… Read More ›

  • Learn Azure SQL

    The Azure Data team at Microsoft has recently launched new ways for you to learn Azure SQL. There are many free resources available to the community in the form of YouTube videos, blogs, learning paths in Microsoft Learn, GitHub content, hands-on workshops, and live Azure SQL Bootcamp.

  • AWS Elasticsearch Version Upgrade from 6.2 to 7.1

    Elasticsearch 7.1 is a major release that provides improved resiliency, scalability, and more efficient query processing. In this article, I will explain how to upgrade your AWS Elasticsearch manually via AWS Console and in an automated fashion using CloudFormation.

  • Elasticsearch Error – Result window is too large

    This blog explains an Elasticsearch error relating to search operations that are too wide. It also describes how a search operation is internally performed in Elasticsearch.

  • Speaking at SteelCity SQL February 2020

    SQL Server 2019 Presentation

    I am excited to be presenting at the Steel City SQL Server UserGroup February Meeting tomorrow. I will be talking about the new capabilities of SQL Server 2019 that have rocked the industry.

  • February 2020 – Third-Tuesday Samford User Groups, Birmingham, AL

    Four User Groups in Birmingham, AL meet at the same time and in the same general location every month.  That makes it a great melting pot to connect and network with people who have similar and tangential interests to your own.  It is a fantastic way to expand or begin your knowledge.

  • Third-Tuesday Samford User Groups, Birmingham, AL – January 2020

    Four User Groups in Birmingham, AL meet at the same time and in the same general location every month.  That makes it a great melting pot to connect and network with people who have similar and tangential interests to your own.  It is a fantastic way to expand or begin your knowledge.

  • The MySQL server is running with the –read-only option so it cannot execute this statement

    In this blog post, I will show you how to troubleshoot an error message displayed while connecting to AWS Aurora indicating that you cannot execute the statement with the read only option.

  • Speaking at Atlanta Code Camp 2019

    I am excited to be presenting at the Atlanta Code Camp this weekend. This will be my 3rd year speaking at this awesome conference. I am looking forward to meeting a lot of folks from the Tech community and having a good time.

  • Lost connection to MySQL server during query

    In this blog post, I will show you how to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity issues with Aurora MySQL RDS Instance.

  • Troubleshooting Issues with AWS Database Migration Service

    In this blog post, I will show you how to debug and troubleshoot issues with your AWS DMS Tasks during the migration of large tables from On-Premise to Cloud.

  • SQL Saturday Birmingham 2019

    SQL Saturday Birmingham 2019 was held at the Brock School of Business – Cooney Hall – Samford University on 27th July. The event was a huge success. We had close to 200 folks registered to the event and had a final turnaround of around 150.

  • SQL Saturday Pensacola 2019

    Just back from SQL Saturday Pensacola 2019, and I would say it was a fun event like always. This was my 3rd consecutive year speaking at the event and I really look forward to this event every year because the Organizing Team including Ed Watson, Karla Landrum, and others does a great job. Pensacola is also the summer holiday gateway for me so I do enjoy this trip.

  • Speaking at O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference 2019

    I am super excited to be presenting at the O’Reilly Software Architecture 2019, San Jose today.  Please join me at 3 PM in Room 210 D/H to learn about building a scalable microservice architecture with Envoy, Kubernetes, and Istio.

  • Smart Pipes and Smart Endpoints with Service Mesh

    Smart endpoints and Dumb Pipes has been one of the design principles for microservices during the last decade. Responsibility of the network is to just transfer messages between Source to Destination. Responsibility of microservices is to handle Business logic, transformation, validations, and process the messages.

  • Visualizing the Istio Service Mesh using Kiali

    Kiali lets you monitor and visualize the Istio Service Mesh from within a single user interface. Kiali lets you view configurations, monitor traffic flow between services and analyze traces. It provides visibility into features likes service health, request routing, circuit breakers, request rate, traffic flow, error rate and more.

  • Chaos Testing your Microservices with Istio

    Chaos Testing is a practice to intentionally introduce failures in your system to test the resiliency and recovery of your microservices architecture. The Mean Time to Recovery(MTTR) needs to be minimized in the current modern day architectures. Hence it is beneficial to validate different failure scenarios ahead of time and take necessary action items to stabilize the system and make it more resilient.

  • Retry Design Pattern with Istio

    Istio Retry Policy

    Retry Design Pattern states that you can retry a connection automatically which has failed earlier due to a network exception. Istio provides a transparent approach of handling application retires in case of such intermittent network errors.

  • Handling Service Timeouts using Istio

    Istio Timeout

    When you encounter latency with your service communication and you are not sure what the root cause is, it is a preferred approach to just not wait for the response. Implementing a timeout strategy between your service to service communication over the network is critical. Istio makes it pretty simple to implement this functionality within your service mesh.

  • Resilient Microservices with Istio Circuit Breaker

    Istio Circuit Breaker

    Circuit Breaker is a design pattern to create resilient microservices by limiting the impact of service failures and latencies. One of the primary goals of the Circuit Breaker pattern is to handle failures gracefully so that no cascading failures occur. In a Microservice landscape, failing fast is critical. Circuit Breaker does a great job in protecting the service from a heavy load.

  • Istio Circuit Breaker with Outlier Detection

    Istio Outlier Detection

    Outlier Detection is an Istio Resiliency strategy to detect unusual host behavior and evict the unhealthy hosts from the set of load balanced healthy hosts inside a cluster. It automatically tracks the status of each individual host and checks metrics like consecutive errors and latency associated with service calls. If it finds outliers, it will automatically evict them.

  • Cloud Native Monitoring with Prometheus

    Prometheus Architecture

    Prometheus is an open source metrics-based monitoring and alerting system. In 2016 the Prometheus project became the second member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, after Kubernetes. It has a powerful query language(PromQL) with a multidimensional data model suited to store time series data.

  • Microservices Journey from Netflix OSS to Istio Service Mesh

    Netflix OSS is a set of libraries & framework that Netflix open sourced to solve the issues with designing distributed systems at scale. In this blog post, you will understand the issues with the Netflix OSS libraries and why organizations are adapting the Sidecar Design pattern and Service Mesh technologies.

  • Istio Service Mesh Data Plane

    Istio Architecture

    The Istio Data Plane is primarily comprised of the Envoy proxies which are attached as dedicated sidecars to each application instance. Istio Data Plane intercepts all incoming(Ingress) and outgoing(Egress) network traffic. This and gives us the ability to apply all the features at this layer, without polluting the application code.

  • Istio Service Mesh Control Plane

    Istio is a very popular Service Mesh Framework which uses Lyft’s Envoy as the sidecar proxy. Service Mesh gives you the freedom of not having to worry about the service to service communication as part of your application code. Instead of bloating your microservice with similar functionalities, you can let the Service Mesh handle that complexity for you.

  • Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing

    Fallacies of Distributed Computing

    The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing are a set of assumptions that developers make while designing Distributed Systems which might backfire and cause additional work and system redesign in the long run. Designing Distributed Systems is challenging and being aware of these eight fallacies will help you in architecting your systems better.

  • Istio 1.1 – The Enterprise Ready Service Mesh

    Yesterday Istio 1.1 was released which primary focuses on addressing the performance and scalability issues which organizations bumped into running large clusters in Production environment. There are a number of improvements to both the Data Plane & Control Plane to make it more efficient and also significant improvements to the overall product.

  • Speaking at SQL Saturday Jacksonville 2019

    I am delighted to be speaking at SQL Saturday Jacksonville 2019. This will be my first time speaking at this event.

  • CNCF Cloud Native Landscape and Trail Map

    The Cloud Native Ecosystem is constantly evolving and continues to grow at a fast pace. The usage of Cloud Native Technologies in Production has tremendously increased during the recent past.

  • My Favorite Feature in Azure Data Studio

    Azure Data Studio provides a lot of Extensibility options and its Extension Model is actually my favorite feature of this tool. There is no need of huge software installs and in the process getting tools/functionalities which you don’t require. The base install of Azure Data Studio is very small & lightweight. With Azure Data Studio you can customize your environment with the tooling you need. Extensions provide an easy way to add more functionality to the installation.

  • Flyway Error: Found non-empty schema(s) without schema history table

    We bumped into a Flyway error while trying to deploy new schema changes against an existing database. In this blog, I will explain how to identify and resolve this Flyway error so that you can successfully deploy your schema changes through an automated pipeline.

  • Speaking at CodeStock 2019

    I am super excited to be presenting at CodeStock 2019. This will be my 3rd year speaking at this awesome conference.

  • Friend of Redgate 2019

    I am happy and honored to be a Friend of Redgate 2019 — my 2nd year in a row. The Friends of Redgate program is an exclusive group of influential and active community members, such as popular blog writers, speakers, consultants, as well as Microsoft Data Platform MVPs.

  • PASS Summit 2018 Session Recording

    One of the benefits of being a PASS Summit Speaker was that PASS provided us with the exclusive download version of the PASS Summit 2018 session recordings.